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Analizbeth Rivera

Analizbeth has lived in Hendersonville, North Carolina since birth and she has been working in the legal field as a legal assistant for almost two years, primarily in the areas of criminal and family law. Analizbeth enjoys criminal cases since she is a true crime fan. Analizbeth finds her work with family law to be important because we strive to help parents get the rights they truly deserve and to see their children even when circumstances become difficult.

About Me

Analizbeth is patient and understanding in each case, as situations are always different. Analizbeth is glad to have the opportunity to work alongside Attorney Hill as in her opinion, “Attorney Hill is one of the few attorneys that will tell you the way things are even if it is hard to hear.” Analizbeth was recently sworn in as a notary and she hopes in the future to possibly become a paralegal and obtain a translation certification.


Analizbeth is bilingual and mainly speaks Spanish at home. Analizbeth has also been learning programming in her spare time. Outside of work, Analizbeth enjoys learning anything that anyone is willing to take the time to teach. Analizbeth is a member of a CrossFit gym and frequently works out as it is a good way to release stress and tension from the difficult situations that we oftentimes see in the legal field. 

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